Just a reminder that BMSB season is fast approaching and affects target risk goods exported from BMSB risk countries exported from origin ETD 1st September 2021 up to arrival in New Zealand on or before 30th April 2022. WHICH ORIGINS ARE AFFECTED?

Vehicles, Machinery and Parts (VMP)
In accordance with requirements in various sections of the VMP Import Health Standard, vehicles, machinery, parts are subject to BMSB management when they;
a) are exported from a BMSB country listed below, on or after 1 September 2021; OR
b) are used, moved to or stored in a BMSB country for more than 5 days before being loaded in that country, on or
after 1 September; AND
c) they arrive in New Zealand on or before 30 April 2022.
MPI have an on-line tool to assist with identifying whether cargo is target risk or not. EXCLUSIONS Certain NEW VMP cargo will be excluded from mandatory fumigation requirement at origin if the origin Shipper is able to provide a signed declaration on their letterhead and it meets the criteria. The MPI template which must be completed and supplied to your 1UP Cargo representative is can be downloaded here.
Cargo from Italy All cargo imported from Italy must be treated offshore as per the MPI SEACO Import Health Standard
Exclusions as per the Sensitive Cargo List
Cargo which is treated for BMSB must be treated in accordance with approved treatment methods by an ; MPI Approved Offshore Treatment Provider
MPI periodically requires containers (and cargo) to be treated to kill pests, and recommends containers are packed with enough space (≥200 mm around the contents of the container) to allow for treatment.
Please refer to the Treatment Guidance Fact Sheet for more information on the packaging requirements to ensure suitability to undergo treatment.
Note : If containers are too full and there is insufficient space for circulation and sensors for treatment, MPI may consider biosecurity risk is too great to allow unloading; and such containers are likely to be rejected and re-shipped out of New Zealand.
If you need more information email us at info@1upcargo.com